7 Reasons Why OFWs should invest in Real Estate

POEA opens one-stop shop for OFWs

We may have heard many horror and sad stories of our Filipino Overseas workers, working for years and months away from their families and returning to nothing. When they were still able some spend entirely what they earned and saved for the year to celebrate and meet the wants of the families and friends. It was a sad reality that even up to know we know, is happening and will still be happening if we do not change the way we think and the way our families spending habit.

For some working abroad is the answer to poverty. A lot of our Filipino workers would really want to work overseas because of it’s bigger offered salaries despite sacrificing health, loneliness and comfort. In exchange to a better life and better future for the family. A noble act indeed. However, what if the time comes that you can no longer work abroad, because of an illness or because of old age? Where do you go from here?

Financial literacy programs are literally everywhere. Many claimed to be experts when it comes to handling finances. Some advised to build business, some advised to simply set-aside an extra amount in the bank, and some in real estate.

Investing in real estate can be a smart move for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) for several reasons:

1. Long-Term Stability: Real estate is a reliable investment that often appreciates in value over time. It’s like planting a seed that grows steadily, offering long-term stability and a solid financial foundation for the future.

2. Secure Future Income: Investing in property can provide a steady source of passive income through rentals. Your property can earn for you, even while you’re abroad, ensuring financial security for you and your family.

3. Home for Your Family: Owning a property back home ensures your loved ones have a safe and comfortable place to call home. It’s a gift that provides security and peace of mind, knowing they’re in a place of their own.

4. Diversify Your Investments: Real estate diversifies your investment portfolio, reducing risk. It’s a tangible asset that isn’t as volatile as other forms of investment, creating a balanced financial strategy.

5. Capital Appreciation: Properties tend to increase in value over time, especially in growing areas. Buying now could mean a higher value in the future, potentially offering lucrative returns on your investment.

6. Potential for Business Ventures: Real estate can be a platform for starting businesses. You could convert a property into a rental, a bed and breakfast, or a commercial space, creating additional income streams.

7. Fulfilling Dreams: Investing in real estate allows you to achieve personal goals. It’s a step towards fulfilling dreams of owning a home, securing your family’s future, and achieving financial independence.

Remember, investing in real estate isn’t just about making money; it’s about securing a future, building a foundation for your family, and achieving personal goals. It’s a step towards ensuring stability and providing security for you and your loved ones.

Search for available properties here or contact your trusted Filipino Homes Agent.