Filipino Homes Recognized by NAR

Filipino Homes, a 100% Filipino owned company was recognized by the National Association of Realtors during the Global Alliance Advisory Board Meeting at Park Central, Metropolitan III, Level 2 San Francisco, California USA.
In attendance are the Global Ambassadors, Global Coordinators, and domestic and international guests come together for global presentations and the NAR global volunteer program and year-end updates.

The purpose of the gathering is to provide guidance in the operation of NAR’s Global Networks program. Lead by Chairperson Yin Bihr, GRI, CIPS, CRS.
During the Global Coordinator Reports, Filipino Homes lead by Mr. Anthony Gerard O. Leuterio was recognized for having the most numbered registered delegates for the NAR 2019 Convention, with a total of 70 participating registered brokers and agents.

Tomorrow, November 8, 2019, is the official opening of the National Association of Realtors Convention and Expo. The learning sessions will also start from November 8 until November 11, 2019. [View NAR Schedule here].