955sq. m
Property Location: Purok 4, Barangay Bolod, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines
Land Area: 955 sqm.
• Less than 2 kilometers to Panglao International Airport. (MOL 3-4 mins.)
• Less than 3 kilometers to the premier beach fronts. (MOL 5 mins.)
• Flat lands
• Clean title, no encumbrance
• Cemented road which is to be developed as the airport road.
• Near several known establishments such as South Farms and Fixrite Hardware.
• Within the same barangay of the proposed Panglao Shores which is currently being developed by
the Alturas Group. See attached news item.
Ideal for:
• Gasoline station with commercial spaces
• Restaurant
• Commercial building
• Residential building
• Medium size hotel
Barangay Bolod is the next barangay which is going to be developed after its adjacent barangay Tawala
and Danao after the two barangays are already saturated with commercial establishments and the
premier resorts.