5 Reasons Why You Need a Home Office

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing life as we know it. The community quarantine restrictions imposed since last year have forced employees to move into a work-from-home setup. While a home office used to be considered as a luxury home feature in the past, the shift in the way we work requires us to adjust to new ways of working, including having a dedicated quiet space to allow us to work effectively and productively. Here are 5 reasons why you need to set up a home office:

1. Home office encourages productivity.

As we are forced into shifting to remote work, we need to have a proper office setup to encourage us to work effectively and maintain productivity. This means having appropriate desk space, enough power outlets, and office storage to allow us to do our work properly. This also means having a suitable private space for online meetings with colleagues and clients.

2. Your dedicated work area helps with discipline and motivation.

Self-discipline and focus are often tested for employees who choose to work from home. It may sound ideal to be able to work inside the comforts of your own home, but the distractions from children, work, neighbors, friends, and family can be disruptive and get in the way of completing tasks. An environment designed with your productivity in mind can help you with your discipline and motivation to keep on track.

3. You can design your home office into an area that adapts to your needs and personality.

Especially when you are paid based on your output, you need a work area that makes your job easier for you. With your home office, you have the freedom to design your dedicated workspace according to your personal taste and work process.

For example, you may add a coffee corner and snack station if you need constant access to food while working. You may also consider assigning a personal nook for your breaks. There are also office desks and chairs equipped with a treadmill and pedals so you can work out while working.

4. Your home office allows better work-life balance

At this time when we spend our time working at home and spending free time there as well, creating a physical distinction between professional workspace and domestic family space is important. Your home office should be a dedicated space for work during the day, but make sure to be able to close the door once you’re done and spend time with your family at the end of the shift. This is vital in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A home office can help create physical boundaries within the home, where your office is off-limits to children and pets.

5. A home office can increase the value of your home

The global pandemic has increased the demand for quarantine-friendly homes. This means that if you take advantage of unused space, convert one room into an office, or add one to your home, you increase its resale value should you ever decide to sell up or rent it our later on. Many potential homebuyers will be looking for homes that offer the functionality of a dedicated home office or study space.

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